Can a Codependent Relationship Become Healthy?
Are you wondering, “Can a codependent relationship become healthy?” Yes, it’s possible. Learn 3 tips that helped me transform my relationship.
Are you wondering, “Can a codependent relationship become healthy?” Yes, it’s possible. Learn 3 tips that helped me transform my relationship.
Telling our inner critic to shut up doesn’t work. Try this free EFT Tapping session to release perfectionism and reclaim your innate self-worth.
How do we actually surrender to the flow of life? Read on for 3 tips to release control and experience more ease and grace.
Do social gatherings leave you feeling tired and muddled? Keep reading to learn how to protect your energy while socializing and actually have a good time.
Discover my erotic awakening, how embracing our sexuality activates our fullest potential and 6 tips to start your sexual healing.
Soulful Speaking Coach Lauri Smith shares how she found her unique voice, her vulnerable aha moments and best tips for new and experienced speakers.
Life keeps triggering you and you wonder, “Do we ever fully heal from the past?” Check out these tips to create more ease on your healing journey.
Sexual trauma is sadly common and can show up in unexpected ways even years later. Read on to learn 3 surprising things about sexual trauma.
The world can seem like a somber place with constant news of injustice and tragedies. Read on for tips on how to stay positive amidst the chaos.
How do you cope with the death of a loved one? Death doula Jen Wijnker and I explore the taboo topic of death and grief to live more fully in the present.
Learn why it’s vital to bring presence into your money and cultivate a healthy relationship with your finances with financial guide and mentor, Erin Gray.
Discover how I ended up in France, reunited with my twin flame, transformed my toxic marriage and my 3 key lessons from this 15-year adventure in becoming a lightworker.
Learn how to calm your inner critic in this EFT Tapping demo session, so that you can truly love and accept yourself.
They’re 2 popular options to heal trauma, both backed by science. Read on to learn what’s the difference between EMDR and EFT Tapping.
We all want fulfilling connections. But do you wonder, “Why do I create drama in relationships?” Learn why we may crave drama despite our best efforts.
Follow along to this EFT Tapping session to feel calmer as you deal with your partner’s anger.
Frustrated and wondering why manifesting doesn’t work? Read on for 3 surprising reasons that may help ease the process.
Release the guilt after setting a boundary and honor your needs with this guided EFT Tapping meditation script.
It’s hard to pursue our desired career when loved ones don’t support us. Join Alyssa and me for an EFT Tapping session to release self-doubt about success and her career.
Learn how to overcome the fear of being seen in this EFT Tapping demo session, so that you can connect and share your gifts with others.