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Perhaps you’re feeling stuck in your life or business. Struggling in a relationship. Or healing from your past.

You’re doing everything you can. But things don’t move forward.

I’ve been there.

I’m Annie Moussu, certified EFT Tapping Master Practitioner and host of the Hush Your Mind Podcast. I help women build confidence, set empowered boundaries and enjoy healthy relationships.

Growing up with an overcritical father led me to several codependent relationships, including my tumultuous marriage.

The twin flame relationship with my husband Loïc ignited my spiritual awakening and forced me to welcome all my shadows. We devoted ourselves for over a decade to healing our trauma and learning how to love courageously.

Our biggest lesson is to embrace who we are. The more we do so, the more we become capable of receiving love—from one another, from people who truly matter and from the divine.

Today, we’re grateful that we get to enjoy a healthy, thriving relationship. We’re always together, peeling off more layers and deepening our love for each other. Our soul connection fuels my work in supporting women to feel empowered in their personal relationships.

Behind the scenes, Loïc is my podcast sound engineer, savvy business coach, Zen master and relentless cheerleader!

Originally from southern California and now living in France, I enjoy hip-hop jazz, exploring the woods and cooking with my husband. I’m passionate about helping women navigate their relationships, so that they speak their truth and come home to themselves.

You can learn more about me and why I created Hush Your Mind here and here. I invite you to check out my private sessions. Or subscribe to my newsletter and podcast.

It’d be a pleasure to connect with you!

With gratitude,

“The depression is gone. I have attracted and sustained new love in the form of a conscious partnership and I’m now running sold out painting workshops regularly, and getting my consulting business back off the ground…. I have navigated conflicts and triggers with more grace and I’ve grown my confidence as a creative entrepreneur and leader. I would absolutely recommend Annie’s EFT work!” —Alyssa Burtt